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New Boiler Benefits

New Boiler Benefits

Whilst swapping a broken down boiler with a new one undoubtedly hits the bank balance, there’s also some benefits to upgrading your central heating system, especially if you don’t currently have TRVs (Thermostatic Radiator Valves) or a room thermostat on your system.

Improved boiler efficiency

The energy saving trust estimates that a central heating boiler is liable for 60% of your household energy bills, so getting a more efficient boiler can make a sizeable difference to your bills. Most new condensing boilers are A rated which means their efficiency is 90% or even more. The efficiency of your old boiler depends on a number of factors but generally an old non-condensing boiler could be G rated meaning it is less than 70% efficient and could well be 55% -70% efficient. Depending on your gas bill, moving to a far more efficient condensing boiler could save £200-300 per year. See the energysavingtrust.org.uk website for more details.

Improved heating control

Using a heating controller with TRVs and a room thermostat allows you to set the temperature in each room separately. Each TRV shuts off its radiator from the heating when the air around the valve gets to the required temperature. Generally individuals prefer sleeping areas to be about 2 degrees C cooler than living areas so by using TRVs can enhance comfort levels. Once each room is at the desired temperature and all the TRVs have shut off their radiators then a room thermostat, placed near one radiator without a TRV, can switch the whole boiler system off. This saves cash as well as keeping the temperature at the right level.

Quieter boiler operations

On account of improved design and much better use of materials, brand new boilers in Barnsley can be appreciably quieter than older type boilers installed in Barnsley. This can make a real difference where a boiler is sited the other side of a bedroom wall.

Smaller size

Modern boilers in Barnsley are usually smaller than their older counterparts and there are more choices for siting them on walls rather than floors. They can even be concealed behind a kitchen cupboard. This can free up useful space for many homeowners.

What about the associated costs?